About Us

On Campus

Information Services is the central technology department at the University of Oregon. Our teams deliver a broad range of technology and services to the university.

See the Service Catalog for details about the IT services available to students and employees.

For details on our structure, see the organization chart below.

Across the Country

Just as we connect the University of Oregon to the rest of the world, we are connected to engage, learn, and influence the direction of information technology in higher education through the following groups:


EDUCAUSE is a nonprofit association and the foremost community of IT leaders and professionals committed to advancing higher education.

The University of Oregon is a member of the following EDUCAUSE groups:

  • EDUCAUSE Center for Analysis and Research (ECAR). ECAR provides research and analysis about information technology in higher education for IT professionals and higher education leaders. ECAR is higher education's only subscriber-driven research organization dedicated to understanding IT's role in colleges and universities.
  • EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI). ELI is a community of higher education institutions and organizations committed to the advancement of learning through the innovative application of technology.


Internet2 is a community of U.S. and international leaders in research, academia, industry, and government who create and collaborate via innovative technologies.

Research University CIO Conclave (RUCC)

RUCC is an informal self-organized group of approximately 50 CIOs of North American "research intensive - high" Carnegie class universities, established to provide a venue for discussing issues and speaking with one voice on critical national-level policy and strategy issues.

NorthWest Academic Computing Consortium (NWACC)

NWACC fosters communication and collaboration among its member institutions on the development and use of advanced technology for instruction, research, and administrative operations.

InCommon Federation

InCommon, operated by Internet2, provides a secure and privacy-preserving trust fabric for research and higher education, and their partners, in the United States. InCommon operates an identity management federation, a related assurance program, and offers certificate and multifactor authentication services.

Information Services Organizational Chart